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3 1/8" Kollsman Vertical Speed Indicator. P/N 055-27775 or 22-D9449-1. It was removed from a salvage..
3 1/8" King Avionics Aircraft Vacuum Attitude Gyro Horizon Indicator / Artificial Horizon Gyro...
3 1/8" Beechcraft King Air Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator. Manufactured by Aerosonic. P..
3 1/8" Beechcraft Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator. Manufactured by Aerosonic. P/N 30230-..
3 1/8" Beech King Air Aispeed Indicator. Manufactured by Aero-Mach Labs Inc. P/N 1535-05. Beech P/N ..
New / nos 3 1/8" Beechcraft Airspeed Indicator. Manufactured by Aero-Mach. P/N 101-384006-3 or 1402-..
3 1/8" Cessna / Piper / Beech Aircraft Pressure and Altitude Reporting Altimeter Indicator. P/N..
Beechcraft King Air Pitch Trim Indicator. Manufactured by Aircraft Instrument and Development. P/N 2..
3 1/8" Autopilot Turn & Bank Indicator / Control Rate Gyro. Manufactured by Pioneer. P/N 15300-1..
3 1/8" Aircraft Rate of Climb / Vertical Speed Indicator. Manufactured by Bendix. P/N 1636-6M-B1 or ..
3 1/8" Vertical Speed Indicator. Manufactured by Pioneer. P/N 1636-GA-A1. Very clean item. Condition..
3 1/8" Bendix Encoding Altimeter Indicator as shown on photos. 14V. Type MAC118. P/N 1730000-2...
Aircraft Autopilot Directional Gyro. Manufactured by AIM. P/N 200-10 or 200-10/G-502A. It was remove..
3 1/8" Vacuum Directional Gyro Indicator. Manufactured by Aviation Instruments Mfg Corp. P/N 200-5. ..
3 1/8" Beechcraft Vacuum Directional Gyro Indicator as shown on photos. Manufactured by AI..